Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Back and forth........

I hope everyone Easter was great, mine was wonderful. A lot has happened, prayers have been answered, thank you Lord. My small group and I have really been praying for some things to happen and boy it has made a difference. Thanks guys. And WOW if you haven't been over to see some of my other friends blogs, you are missing out, each one of them will touch you in so many ways, take a few minutes. just to see. Now the bible study I am doing , that I missed last week, but I am reading the book. Nicki posted a little something about the lesson that spoke so much to me. On top of Amy E., which she and I have had conversations about the same things. The Lord has been pulling at my heart to do something for a couple of years, and I have been like oh but I need to put up new drapes in the living room and change the color in my bathroom. And what I am being told is none of that matters, do what you are being lead to do. Not to mention, the Lord has given me the ability to sew, so it is not like I couldn't make some up real fast. So thanks gals, you are really helping me decision, instead of gong back and forth. OK, I guess I better go I need to get ready to pick up Jonathan, and Lexi bug is standing here beeting on the keys and saying A-men, A-men. Heehee. That is her new thing, and I love it, she puts her little hands together and says A-men. I couldn't ask for anything more. Don't forget to do your quiet time.


Faith said...

Hey Stephanie! Glad you had a fun trip! Sounds like it was a great visit with your family.
Don't you love when God is trying to get something through to us that He will bring it up over and over in different ways...and then we realize "oh, now I get it!" His Word is alive and active! I love it!

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

The Lord speaks the same way to me....OVER AND OVER until I get it through my thick head!! =) Praising Him for the great things He is doing in your life! I hope you'll be able to make it tonight! Take care!