Thursday, February 28, 2008

So excited.......

All right everyone, we have had a lot going on this week. Ya know Lydia Grace was sick earlier this week, Johnny was sick today. Whew hew. Just crazy, all that is over now. So anyway, one of my good friends (Amy from church) and I were talking about Beth Moore coming to Atlanta. Well let me tell ya, her and a few others are going, and they have a spot for me!!! I am just so excited about going to hear her speak!! I just don't think I am going to be able to calm myself down. Heehee. So then I had ordered some tattoage to go on my walls. (I hope I spelled it right), well it came this week too. So today I spent today painting my kitchen (I LOVE IT!!!) and putting them up. So in my kitchen it says " as for me and my house we will serve the Lord" and it the living room it says " Christ the center of our home, a guest at every meal, and a silent listener to every conversation" Is that not the most beautiful thing you have every heard. Now I got the idea from Amy, so thanks girl. Now when I finish making my curtains for the kitchen, I will take some pictures to put on here. I hope I will get them done tomorrow.
There is a lot going on this week, I also might be going to the beach for a baby shower. I need to leave tomorrow, so I better hurry up and decide. Now a little something else, a friend of mine at church, is trying to raise money to attend a She Speaks Conference, and she needs a little help. God has such a plan for her, and is working through her like you wouldn't believe. This conference is a women's christian conference, and she oh so deserves to go. She is a hard working mother of three girls, wife, and still has time to speak gods word through, bible studies and everywhere. So if you can help her, visit her blog
I hope that's right Nicki, it is listed to the right of my blog. She give you all the info. Thanks everyone, I will let you know how it all works for her.

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