Monday, March 31, 2008

Hey everyone. I had a really great day today. I went to lunch with a GREAT christian women. I mean you just would not believe. And I could have sat there and talked for a couple of hours. Now God bless her, she couldn't, she was feeling under the weather. I really want to thank you for taking time out to share with me. And let me tell you, I visited another SS class yesterday. It was really great. Now don't get me wrong I love my class too, and they are at different times, so it works out. Hey have you noticed, I am not packing yet, I am really to tired to do that today. It is not that I am not excited, because I am, but gosh. Not to mention, I need to get my laundry caught up before I do anything. Now tomorrow will be a different story, it will be crunch day, I need to get everything done I mean EVERYTHING! That way I can relax Wed., go to my bible study (the last one, I'm so sad) then get everyone in the bed, then we are leaving. I think David said we are leaving late Wed. night. So I get to sleep the whole way down. Whew, move over Cinderella here I come. jk.
Alright now to be serious God is really doing a lot of speaking and moving in my life (wonderful things). An I am so blessed to have my mom, sisters, ladies at the church, all strong women in my life. Wow. It is so nice. Oh and Amy, I am getting really excited about the things I was talking to you about. Hey I could just have it at your house, it is closer than mine anyway. Heehee. I just wanted to slip that in there.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

As the new weeks begins.......

Yesterday we had my sisters baby shower, (we did daisy's and baby blue). It was so cute! And last night my financial class got together for dinner. Oh it was so much fun, but I was worried about getting to church on time. Oh I just love Sundays, church is always so good. ( and I was on time) Sundays are so busy though, after church we had lunch, and then we have to leave around 3:15 to go back to church. So I am really tired today, so I'm keeping it short. Oh and big news, my husband tells me yesterday that we are going to Florida ON THURS. Men are so not for planning. The big thing is we are going without our kids. Whew hoo! Well not yet, I will be saying that when I know who is keeping them. Men really don't think these thing out. So I need to get everything ready for tomorrow, and I am going to lunch with a special person tomorrow. Hey adult lunch and going out of town in the same week, WOW. I must have done something really good. Heehee

Friday, March 28, 2008

Can we say hard Headed?

Which do you think is more hard headed, boys or girls? I don't know because I have both, and this week the winner issssss, the girls. Let me tell ya, last night everyone was in the bed (I thought) when I hear someone tumbling down the stairs. It was Lydia Grace! She had decided to try to come down the stairs in a pair of mamma's high heels. I am like OH cheese and crackers, what are you doing? So as I am trying to blog, I turn around and she is coming out of my closet with the same heels on. Now don't get me wrong, every girl should have a pair, but she has a whole box of them, her size. But that is my Lydia Grace, she is as girly as it get. She can have nothing else, but as long as she has high heels and a purse, she is just fine. And she gets it honest, when she was 3 weeks old, my sister bought her a Coach purse, and looked at me and said "every girl has to have one". So what do you say to something like that?
Now on to contestant number two. Alexis Riley, that one, I don't even know where she get her hard headed-ness from. I have never seen such a little person be so stubborn. And too, maybe it is her age. But I am going to tell ya by your third one, you are like bring it on. That child sat in time out for 45 Min's. Yes, that is right, 45 Min's. Over Easter break. Now it didn't start out that way, she was just going to be there for a min., and I asked her "are you going to be a good girl?" Her response was to just look at me, so I said OK, sit there. She didn't cry or anything. She would try to get up, I said no, are you gong to be good? If you are going to be good you can get up. She sits back down, and smiles. So that is why it took so long. She finally said, "good girl". And she got to get up. This little lady also love high heels and a purse.
My calm one is Johnny, Oh thank you Lord for giving me him first. No fussing, no fighting, just Ahhhhhhh. Oh, all my babies are the best thing in the world. And I love every moment I am with them, watching the grow, play, learn. Even through the long days when everyone isn't all that happy, I thank the Lord for every min. I am so blessed, for my children and my loving husband. And that man need an award for being married to me. Heehee. Oh please, when you think you are at the end of your rope, just sit back and look at what you have. Don't get made at the sharpie on the wall, or the paint on your chair, because there might be a time when you wish you could just see that mark again.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Making it.....

All right ya'll, this has got to stop. Ya'll know how much I LOVE going to my bible study at church, if you don't read a few post down. Well, I had planned everything out, my sister and her kids were coming too, well they are in school near my house, and she dosen't have time to go get them after work, and the make it to the church. So, I picked up the girls at one, rushed to my house got everything together, ran to get her kids, then just made it to pick up Jonathan. I AM getting to the point. After all that we went to my sisters house, I wanted to sit down for a little while, I had another one of my headaches, lightly all day. Now look, I was NOT missing another class. Satan is really getting on my nerves, and I am more than likly getting on his, because I did not let him stop me from going. So I took something for the headache. It was not working!! But I still made it, thank you Jesus. Now the other two times I missed was because Jonathan was sick, then I had another headache. But it was crazy, the Lord came through and eased it enought for me to make it through the class. Now after I left, I just prayed to get me home, and was up sick, sick until about 4:00am. But I still made it!! That Satan just keeps showing up.
Yeasterday was just a bad day with he and I. On top of that, I was talking to some wonderful Godly women at my church about different things and here he comes again, saying you can't do that. So after all that, I am just drained today. Between not feeling good, rush rush, getting everyone together, and now Lexi bug has ran around with the baby powder (open). So when she saw me coming for her she was slipping trying to get away, oh and laughing the whole time. I think she need a nap ( she just emptied all the q-tips out). I think mommy needs a nap too. So I will end with a prayer.
My Lord Father, thank you for this beautiful day Lord, and for making all things possible through you oh Lord. Please bless all my family and friends as you have me Lord, and even the ones who I don't know. Lord thank you for the strong christian people you have brought into my life oh Lord. And Lord thank you for the strength you gave me yesterday. In Jesus name I pray, A-men

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Back and forth........

I hope everyone Easter was great, mine was wonderful. A lot has happened, prayers have been answered, thank you Lord. My small group and I have really been praying for some things to happen and boy it has made a difference. Thanks guys. And WOW if you haven't been over to see some of my other friends blogs, you are missing out, each one of them will touch you in so many ways, take a few minutes. just to see. Now the bible study I am doing , that I missed last week, but I am reading the book. Nicki posted a little something about the lesson that spoke so much to me. On top of Amy E., which she and I have had conversations about the same things. The Lord has been pulling at my heart to do something for a couple of years, and I have been like oh but I need to put up new drapes in the living room and change the color in my bathroom. And what I am being told is none of that matters, do what you are being lead to do. Not to mention, the Lord has given me the ability to sew, so it is not like I couldn't make some up real fast. So thanks gals, you are really helping me decision, instead of gong back and forth. OK, I guess I better go I need to get ready to pick up Jonathan, and Lexi bug is standing here beeting on the keys and saying A-men, A-men. Heehee. That is her new thing, and I love it, she puts her little hands together and says A-men. I couldn't ask for anything more. Don't forget to do your quiet time.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter........

Happy Easter to everyone. I am still at the beach, so I didn't get to go to my church, that makes me sad. But I am getting to spend a lot of time with my mom, and that is well needed. I'm not going to leave a long post today, but just take that extra little bit of time along with the dinners, baskets and dressing up to have your quiet time with our Lord, and remember what today really stands for. Have a wonderful Easter.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

One of those days....

As you can see, I am not at my bible study tonight. MAN!! Everything was going on schedule, Easter parties at school, meetings, having the car serviced, as I am getting everyone in the car, and on my way. My sister calls to say her car will not start, again and could I go get her kids? God bless her, if it is going to happen, it is going to happen to her. So I pick up her kids, and I was on my way to meet her with them, and my other sister call (that is on COMPLETE bed rest) to say her boyfriend went to pick up her son and had a wreck. WHAT!!!!! I mean Satan is going to have to BACK OFF. So now I am at home, reading, reading so in a little bit I will pack. YEA, YEA, I am so ready to leave and get to the beach. I am so excited to see my mom and dad. An I just might, take a little alone time ( if I can leave the kids with my mom) and go sit on the beach, by my self. Oh how nice, I can catch up on my bible study, and spend lots of alone time with the Lord. I will have to let you know how that goes. Last time I went to on beach by myself, my chair wouldn't set up, and then when I got it to finally lock, I sat down, closed my eyes, and a man (walking down the beach) flipped over me, I mean flipped a summer salt. And I did mean salt. You know I was like, you have got to be kidding me. He said,"oh I didn't see you", WHAT, how did you not see ME? So, I thought I would share a little funny, on this gloomy, rainy day. Now don't get me wrong, I am sooooo thankful it is raining. So, I am going to go get some packing done, so I can sit, listen to the rain, and have some bible quite time. My kids are already down for the night.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What we speak.......

Alright, finally, a day without feeling bad. Which it has come at a great time. I am cleaning, doing laundry, getting ready to go to the beach. YEAH!!! Going to the Beach!!!!! So today is the only day to get EVERYTHING done, clean out the car (heehee) all that. So I thought I would take a little break. Well, first off, I got a new bible yesterday, (mine fell apart) They just don't make them like they used to, our grandparents bible, well they still have there first one. Now if you need another bible, I strongly suggest the Mom's Devotional Bible, it is such a great bible. Which leads me to what I want to talk about today, I opened my bible to:
Proverbs 4:24-27 Put away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you. Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm. Do not swerve to the right or the left: keep your foot from evil.
Now this really said a lot to me, especially if you are a Mom. In just reading this, it makes me think about our children watching and hearing everything we do. When we are sitting around speaking of others, our children are listening, even if we think they aren't. Always walk in Gods eyes, speak and do as he wants us to do, think about the things we are going to say before we say them. Is that something I would stand in front of our Lord and say? Well you are, he is there and so are our children. I can not tell you how many times I have been over at my kids school, and have seen and heard these precious children speaking about some one else, repeating things their moms and dads have said. Oh what are we teaching them? This is something we need to pray about, it is so important. Now don't get me wrong, this too is something I have done many times. We just need to really pray. Another verse was:
Proverbs 20:7 The righteous man leads a blameless life: blessed are his children after him.
Again, another verse tell us how to act as a person. It make our children's walk easier. Because if someone has done something in the past, how many times have you heard others comment on who their parents are, or something they did in the past. Now in saying that, the others should NOT judge, or hold things against others or their children, but they do. No we cannot talk back things we have done, but you can change what you do today.

Dear Lord God, please help our walk as parents. Help us to set a good example for our children. Lord please give them what they need, to stay clear of past mistakes that we have made, oh they are so sweet, give us the knowledge on when to speak and when not to speak, so that they will come back to you unharmed. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

another week.....

OK, I know it has been another week since my last post. Well of course you know little man was sick last week, and I have been really sick for the past three days. Now let me tell ya, we had a new bible study starting at church last week, and I didn't get to go because little man was sick. So then here I was feeling bad, and I was like oh please don't let me miss this week too. So after 3 day of a migraine I took everyone to school, came back home, took a small nap, and PRAISE THE LORD, I felt like nothing had ever been wrong. God is so good. I felt great, got the kids ready, picked up my sisters kids, took everyone to church, had dinner, (by my self, 5 kids) wow, and I got to go to the bible study. Now let me tell you about that! "Seven life principles for every women" It was WONDERFUL! It is touching base on all the same things that have been reading in other books and classes that I have recently been doing. If you are not going to this, you might want to. Nicki did a fabulous job. I mean you could really feel what she was saying. An I have never seen that side of her, I have just seen the mommy and funny side, boy let me tell you she is really good. She NEEDS to be a speaker, I mean WOW. Now she spoke on really being in love with the Lord, then things will begin to fall into place. This is exactly what has been going on really strong in my life. And how you should give everything to the Lord, Amen girl. I am so overwhelmed at her lessons, and how it is all fitting into everything else I have been reading over the last few months, I really can't talk about anything else. Heehee. So I will leave with a prayer.
Oh dear heavenly Father, thank you for this beautiful day God, thank you for making me well to attend that wonderful study father, Lord thank you for Nicki, and her great ability to speak your word oh Lord. Lord please be with my family and friends today oh Lord, to keep them safe. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

I understand.........

I know I have not blogged in about a week (sorry). I have had a lot on my plate, the Lord and I have been spending MUCH time together, and I really couldn't decide on what to write about until thing were a little more clear. So now I understand. I have been reading so many scriptures this week, and it was kinda funny, I would read a couple and just put my bible down and say, I can't believe it, that is my answer, read some more, and was like, oh that is really good. Like how to be content with things that are, God gives you what you need, not the things you want, for a reason. And sometimes, he will bring trials in your life to show you to appreciate what you do have. Everything happens for a reason, this means more to me now than ever. There is always good in something bad, you just have to learn to be patient. So what ever your situation, be happy and content with what you have. For a while now I have been considering going back to school to do something different. This is something I have been praying about, I have come to realize, I do not need to do this right now. My job is being a loving wife and mother, the Lord has provided everything we NEED. Right now my children need me, to love and guide them. So that is what I will do. And I LOVE IT. Being at home for all of them is more important that any job I could ever do. Now don't get me wrong, if working is something you have to do, I completely understand, but don't do it just because "I want more money". Trust in the Lord, put ALL of your trust in him, he will provide in everything you could ever need.
Dear heavenly Father, thank you for everything you have shown me, and helped me understand. Thank you for the changes you have brought into our lives, the good and the bad. Because what I have found Lord, is the ones that I thought were so bad and didn't understand why, were to give me a lesson, and to learn to see that all is good through you Lord. Thank you Lord for my husband, and my three beautiful children, and providing all our needs. Lord thank you for giving me my answered prayers. In Jesus name I pray Amen.