Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Exciting day......

I have no idea where to start. Well first of all, I went and bought the PINK potty last night. Lexi-bug is doing really well, she has gone twice!!! And she even told me she needed to go. So exciting!!
And then, you are not going to believe this, the Backyardigans, and the Wiggles are coming to Charlotte!! I know, you are like, WHAT!!!! I know I was the same way. Can you tell we are a little excited, well keep reading and I will tell you why.
Alexis birthday is coming up (in Aug.) and she LOVES the Backyardigans & the Wiggles, she just screams when they come on. So we have a toss up to which one of them will be her BIG party. Now if you don't know me that well, we have multiple parties in our house. We have dinner and party on our birthday (this is usually us and my sisters), a party at school, and then our BIG party on the weekend. Now the Wiggles are coming on Aug. 24Th , so that will be a early present (the backyardigans July 13th). We are also trying to decide if we want to have it at Monkey Joe's or Inflation Fun Station.
So what do you all think on which party for what, and where. I want to hear what other moms suggest. And I need to start booking things now, that is why I start so early. I can't wait to hear from you all.

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