Monday, June 09, 2008

Prayer request for a friend......

One of my dearest friends called me today to let me know she had two eggs implanted. Now let me give you a little background. She has two other children, and was pregnant, with her third a few years ago. At five months she mis-carried, at that time she and her husband decided they couldn't go through that again. That is when he got the MAN surgery. The past couple of years she has wanted more children, and has prayed, and giving God control. Well, thank you Lord, and Lord for today's medicine, because they were able to take what they needed from her husband, and give it to her. Even after the MAN surgery!! I am praising the Lord for her. As of right now she is carrying twins. (which is what she wanted) So the prayer request is that she does fine and that she will be able to carry them to full term. Right now is the wait, to see if they attache, and do what they need to do. She and her husband are members of HGBC, but I told her I wouldn't give out any names right yet. But I am sure you have met her. Oh I am so excited for her.

Dear heavenly father, thank you for making the wonderful thing happen. We are all so over joyed about this. Lord please keep her healthy, and be able to carry these precious babies. In Jesus name I pray. A-men

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