Tuesday, June 03, 2008

She did really well today.....

Well Daddy had a lot to do with that. She didn't want to lay down, started crying, so Daddy got to hold her through the whole thing, and she never said a word. The tech said she didn't see anything, but the Doctor will call in a couple of days. I want to thank you all very much for your prayers, it really means a lot to us. Now, I promised you some pictures from vacation, and here they are. We acted so much like tourist, hee hee.

Can you tell Jonathan really wanted his picture taken? Now the girls, they are cheesing.

Here we are at the aquarium, they loved it!
Now look at this little one, she wasn't to sure about the floor moving.
They look really happy here (they wanted to get in the water)
Here is everyone, and I have to give it up to Dad, he doesn't like having pictures made.


Faith said...

PTL!!!! That is wonderful news!
Love the beach pics!

Stephanie D. said...

Thanks faith, I was just on your moms blog, how sweet is she doing a Chad post.

MiMi said...

So thankful for the wonderful news today! Thank you for sharing your vacation pictures, too. They turned out really great! The beach ones look like they were professionally done.

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

I'm so glad things went well! I loved your pictures too! Looks like fun

Mulchy Mama said...

So glad to hear everything went well with her yesterday! I LOVE those beach pics -- they really DO look professional!!