Monday, June 02, 2008

The night before...

Hi everyone we are back home. I love going to the beach, but I LOVE coming home. We had a ball, ya know, water, sand, going to all the tourist spots (heehee) and now back to reality. In the morning we have Alexis ultra sound. Please be praying for her during this time. There is no pain involved, it is just like a pregnancy ultra sound, but she doesn't like it at all.
I have complete trust that the Lord will take care of what needs to be taken care of. When all of this first came about, I prayed and gave it all to the Lord. A calm came over me, the Lord said she will be fine. My precious angel has been touched in so many ways. God makes all of our children very special, and some he adds a little more sugar to, and they stand out a little more.
It is really funny how Jonathan and Lydia Grace have so many similarities with each other, and Lexi bug, well she is so different. For instance, they have curly hair, Lexi's is straight, Lexi has a little red, strawberry type birth mark to the side of her stomach. ( that is her kiss from a angel)My other two, Jonathan has a slight line on his nose, and Lydia Grace, was born with dark, dark hair, and two light blond streaks ( that are still there, that was their kiss) So see God touches each and every one of our babies in a special way.
God will give me the strength I need for what ever comes. I am so thankful, for the children I have, that God has blessed me with. We just have little bumps in the road.


Faith said...

Praying for you both tomorrow! May You sense His presence and His peace and find rest in Him alone.

Mulchy Mama said...

Prayed for little Lexi-boo this morning!! Let us know how everything went.

Kim said...

Praying for you and Lexie. Be sure to keep us posted on what you find out. Nothing compares to that sense of peace.

I got to have lunch with Amory today and hold Tucker - could have stayed there all day. He is precious!