Monday, February 25, 2008

Is there anything else?

Today the girls and I got to have some girl time. Although it was because Lydia Grace was sick. She wasn't really feeling that good yesterday, but we got going this morning. After we took Jonathan to school, I turned and looked at her and she could hardly keep her eyes open and started running a fever. Poor thing, but all she kept saying was "but I really want to go to school". Bless her. So I then told her, well how about we go back home, you can put on your gown, and we will watch some cartoons. Well she was all for that. I felt so bad for her she just mopped when she did get up. She seems to be feeling a little better now, and she doesn't have school tomorrow, so another day of rest. This also gave me time to get in some quiet time while the girls were sleeping. I hope that everyone take a little time each day to have a little time with our Lord. You will find that if you continually say you don't have time, God will make you some time. All of a sudden you will start waking up early for no reason, or you can't sleep. Well, the Lord is making time for you, so take advantage of it. Once you do, you will never want to stop. God is so good. An if you think well I don't know what christian books should I read first, or where do I start. Well your bible is a great start, in the book of Genesis. Even if you have already read it, read it again. People are always asking Oh what books do you like to read?" Well my answer to you is the bible, is there anything else?

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