Tuesday, February 12, 2008


The past few days have been crazy. Yesterday, Jonathan was home sick, the girls were home today, so I have got nothing done. I was talking to a girl from church about things that were going on at church and school. I then realized, HEY you are doing half of it!!!! I thought what in the world. I have, party at school for Jonathan's class (tomorrow), Lydia Grace has her birthday party Sat., A birthday party at school, Teachers luncheon, and two baby showers, (one that I am giving). All of this in the everyday mommy mix. This would be where I sit down to ask my Lord above, for the strength, LOTS of strength.
I would not have it any other way. I love the fact that I get to spend time with my kids at home and at school. So now I will just breath. Any time things get a little crazy, I just stop and breath. (Glenda, I know you are laughing right now). One of my friends told me " I just make a lot of list", I said I make list, then I lose them. Hee hee. Speaking of lost things, our remote to the TV has been gone almost a week now. This is the things that happens when you have a one year old, trying to get her little hands on everything. We thought she put it in the trash, because that is her new thing right now, but it wasn't there. So now we are just going to have to get another one. Maybe I should tie it to me. Needless to say, I am glad it is time to go to bed, everyone is sleeping, and lunches are already made. Thank you Lord for this wonderful, cool day, today, and the strength. I loved it.

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