Friday, February 15, 2008

God is in control......

I know it has been a few days, I have been really sick. All of second grade had their hal. hop for Valentines, and let me tell you that was a all day thing. I wasn't really feeling that great that morning, but I thought oh I'll be fine. Well I wasn't, I was pretty much down for a couple of days. Which goes back to my title, God is letting me know you are doing way to much in a small amount of time you need to rest. And when I don't listen, he puts me down. This also goes back to something I was reading in Genesis 11, The men shared one language, and began to cooperate with each other. They began to build a tower, and a name from themselves. They had in their minds that they had everything in their control. Then God came down and confused their languages, so they could not understand each other. He scattered them all over the earth, so then they had no control over anything, not because he wanted them to cooperate but because God wanted to be God in their lives. He wants to be God in our lives too. When we start thinking we have control, dictating every detail of our days, we can exspect God to have something to say about it. "So we are to live lives that are, in a way out of control. Because only when we are out of control, God can be in control." This came from my me devotional in my bible. Wow, very powerful. Thats all I can say.


Mulchy Mama said...

I LOVE that quote -- that's really what I needed to hear right now and be reminded that He is in control even when we aren't.

Oh, and have you found your remote yet?

Have fun today! Give that little Lydia Grace a hug from the Eller girls!

Stephanie D. said...

I have NOT found it yet, what in the world, I think we are just going to have to get another one. Ya'll be careful and have a good time.