All right everyone, we have had a lot going on this week. Ya know Lydia Grace was sick earlier this week, Johnny was sick today. Whew hew. Just crazy, all that is over now. So anyway, one of my good friends (Amy from church) and I were talking about Beth Moore coming to Atlanta. Well let me tell ya, her and a few others are going, and they have a spot for me!!! I am just so excited about going to hear her speak!! I just don't think I am going to be able to calm myself down. Heehee. So then I had ordered some tattoage to go on my walls. (I hope I spelled it right), well it came this week too. So today I spent today painting my kitchen (I LOVE IT!!!) and putting them up. So in my kitchen it says " as for me and my house we will serve the Lord" and it the living room it says " Christ the center of our home, a guest at every meal, and a silent listener to every conversation" Is that not the most beautiful thing you have every heard. Now I got the idea from Amy, so thanks girl. Now when I finish making my curtains for the kitchen, I will take some pictures to put on here. I hope I will get them done tomorrow.
There is a lot going on this week, I also might be going to the beach for a baby shower. I need to leave tomorrow, so I better hurry up and decide. Now a little something else, a friend of mine at church, is trying to raise money to attend a She Speaks Conference, and she needs a little help. God has such a plan for her, and is working through her like you wouldn't believe. This conference is a women's christian conference, and she oh so deserves to go. She is a hard working mother of three girls, wife, and still has time to speak gods word through, bible studies and everywhere. So if you can help her, visit her blog
I hope that's right Nicki, it is listed to the right of my blog. She give you all the info. Thanks everyone, I will let you know how it all works for her.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Is there anything else?
Today the girls and I got to have some girl time. Although it was because Lydia Grace was sick. She wasn't really feeling that good yesterday, but we got going this morning. After we took Jonathan to school, I turned and looked at her and she could hardly keep her eyes open and started running a fever. Poor thing, but all she kept saying was "but I really want to go to school". Bless her. So I then told her, well how about we go back home, you can put on your gown, and we will watch some cartoons. Well she was all for that. I felt so bad for her she just mopped when she did get up. She seems to be feeling a little better now, and she doesn't have school tomorrow, so another day of rest. This also gave me time to get in some quiet time while the girls were sleeping. I hope that everyone take a little time each day to have a little time with our Lord. You will find that if you continually say you don't have time, God will make you some time. All of a sudden you will start waking up early for no reason, or you can't sleep. Well, the Lord is making time for you, so take advantage of it. Once you do, you will never want to stop. God is so good. An if you think well I don't know what christian books should I read first, or where do I start. Well your bible is a great start, in the book of Genesis. Even if you have already read it, read it again. People are always asking Oh what books do you like to read?" Well my answer to you is the bible, is there anything else?
Sunday, February 24, 2008
The more I read.....
Let me just start out with I am in the mix of reading two different books, my bible, and my class books. An I am here to tell you, the more I read, the more he speaks to me. God has answered so many prayers in the last few weeks, just like a burst of sunshine. I have felt really called to do many things, and it is funny how some things you are called to do and it isn't something you want to do. That has also happened A LOT too. So that is when you know you better get to work. God seems to have a special way of letting me know those obedient things I just think, well I working on that, he make me do it now, instead of when I want. And I smile and say OK, I hear you.
I am reading tons of things on being obedient right now, and I am loving it. The more I read, I am beginning to see how easy and WONDERFUL it is to serve him. I truly seen the gifts God can give when you let him be in control. Also understanding everything is his, and when you try to control what is his, he lets you know you are not being obedient. There are so many thing I am beginning to understand about Gods word, and obedience than I ever grasp before. One day as I was talking to one of my sweet best friends, and I were speaking on greed, when Leslie says " and you know God don't like greedy". Well that statement means a whole lot more now. Things are so much more clear now, I feel as if I am opening presents everyday, just from God's word. It is so overwhelming. In a GOOD way. I hope that everyone has a relationship with our Lord as wonderful as this.
I am reading tons of things on being obedient right now, and I am loving it. The more I read, I am beginning to see how easy and WONDERFUL it is to serve him. I truly seen the gifts God can give when you let him be in control. Also understanding everything is his, and when you try to control what is his, he lets you know you are not being obedient. There are so many thing I am beginning to understand about Gods word, and obedience than I ever grasp before. One day as I was talking to one of my sweet best friends, and I were speaking on greed, when Leslie says " and you know God don't like greedy". Well that statement means a whole lot more now. Things are so much more clear now, I feel as if I am opening presents everyday, just from God's word. It is so overwhelming. In a GOOD way. I hope that everyone has a relationship with our Lord as wonderful as this.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Anniversary dinner....
Hi everyone, sorry it has been a few days, ya know the kids were home Mon. & Tues. I am really not sure where Wed. went. An then yesterday! Yesterday was my 10th year Anniversary. Well we were just planning on going to dinner somewhere. Well my husband made reservations, oh yes thats right, I had no idea, and no idea where we were going, just what time we had to leave. So my sister came over to watch the kids (thanks sister) and he took me to Ruth's Chris!! I was like WHAT!! I couldn't believe it. Oh my goodness it was WONDERFUL! The food, everything. He really did a good job, because I said," hey lets go to Kabutos tonight". Well he really wowed me. If you ever have the op. to go, GO. You will love it.
Well I have been doing a LOT of reading, verses and things, and it was all so good, I am going to have to go back through my notes, and get back to you. Boy has he really been speaking to me this week. Thank You Lord.
Well I have been doing a LOT of reading, verses and things, and it was all so good, I am going to have to go back through my notes, and get back to you. Boy has he really been speaking to me this week. Thank You Lord.
Monday, February 18, 2008
OK everyone today is Lydia Grace's birthday, bring on the band. That is how it is in our house when a birthday comes around. We celebrate for a week. So you all know Sat. we had her big party, and today, we did our family (Tinkerbell) party. Now they are out of school today and tomorrow, so we will have her school party on Wed. Then no more of my kids parties until late August. Just neices and nephews. And I have a new nephew on the way, and I can't wait. So just a little birthday info, because I know you were all wondering. heehee. Just to let you know all my kids have any where from 3-5 parties each year, so now you know, and wont be surprised.
So I will wait........
Well everyone, I have taken on yet another task, I started a 10 week financial class. Yes school for me. I was a little back and forth about it, but this is one prayer god answered right away. So I went to the orientation last night and I think it is really going to be a good class. So as the weeks go on and I get use to doing homework for me, I'll let you know. heehee. Now there is a few things weighing on my heart right now, and I really don't know the direction it will go in. These are thing my Lord and I are talking about. Now let me just tell you, I am NOT a patient person, oh no, I am completly the opposite, I want what I want, and right now. And I am sure right about now my mom and sisters are like wooo, this one is going to be tough for her, because they know how I am. Well God is teaching me different, he is letting me know I will wait on him, this again falls under letting him be in control. So I will wait, and wait until I learn how to be patient. That is my sign from him today. I had someone tell me "oh we prayed about ____ for 5 years". I was like WHAT 5 years, I can't wait that long. Well my friends don't ever say CAN'T, because as soon as you do, he says YOU WILL.
So I will be obedient to my Lord and wait. He has wonderful plans for all of us, he just wants us to ask. Then everything will come in the Lords time. So again I will wait, for the right answers, my Lords answers, and no other. And just a quick note, he did a lot of answering to me in the last week, A LOT, so waiting will not be so bad. ( I don't want to be greedy) heehee. I hope everyone has a blessed day.
So I will be obedient to my Lord and wait. He has wonderful plans for all of us, he just wants us to ask. Then everything will come in the Lords time. So again I will wait, for the right answers, my Lords answers, and no other. And just a quick note, he did a lot of answering to me in the last week, A LOT, so waiting will not be so bad. ( I don't want to be greedy) heehee. I hope everyone has a blessed day.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Birthday party.......
Well Lydia Grace's birthday party was a hit. We took 7 girls (other than the birthday girl, 8 total) to Libby Lu's, and let me tell ya, it was FUN!!! The girls had a great time getting all dressed up, hair, make-up and nails done, then they got to sing. Needless to say we were there for a couple of hours, plus. This was perfect for their age, and some of the girls had never been there. So as soon as I figure out how to put some pictures on here I'll put some from the birthday party. So after the girls were finished, we went to the food court, for some crown shaped sandwiches, cookies, cake the works. We had a Barbie party, and when I said cake, oh the cake was fab. A friend of mine made a Barbie stand up cake, and it was WONDERFUL. So that was her big birthday party. Tomorrow is her actual birthday, so we will have some family over for a spaghetti dinner and Tinkerbell cake.
God has blessed me with three wonderful children, I could not ask for anything better. Children are one of the greatest gifts God gives you, you are so special to be given children, weather you carry them or are handed them. Can you remember the first time you saw each one of your babies? God gives us them for a short period of time, he trust you with these precious little people, so think about how you want them to be when they return to our Lord. Do we want them to see us as parents, wispering, talking about this person or that one? Or do we choose to raise them to be strong christian men & women, mommas and daddys? Just something to think about. Now look I am not trying to say I am perfect by any means, but it sure does make me feel good when Lydia Grace says "mamma, will you read me the bible?" So at least I know I am headed in the right direction.
God has blessed me with three wonderful children, I could not ask for anything better. Children are one of the greatest gifts God gives you, you are so special to be given children, weather you carry them or are handed them. Can you remember the first time you saw each one of your babies? God gives us them for a short period of time, he trust you with these precious little people, so think about how you want them to be when they return to our Lord. Do we want them to see us as parents, wispering, talking about this person or that one? Or do we choose to raise them to be strong christian men & women, mommas and daddys? Just something to think about. Now look I am not trying to say I am perfect by any means, but it sure does make me feel good when Lydia Grace says "mamma, will you read me the bible?" So at least I know I am headed in the right direction.
Friday, February 15, 2008
God is in control......
I know it has been a few days, I have been really sick. All of second grade had their hal. hop for Valentines, and let me tell you that was a all day thing. I wasn't really feeling that great that morning, but I thought oh I'll be fine. Well I wasn't, I was pretty much down for a couple of days. Which goes back to my title, God is letting me know you are doing way to much in a small amount of time you need to rest. And when I don't listen, he puts me down. This also goes back to something I was reading in Genesis 11, The men shared one language, and began to cooperate with each other. They began to build a tower, and a name from themselves. They had in their minds that they had everything in their control. Then God came down and confused their languages, so they could not understand each other. He scattered them all over the earth, so then they had no control over anything, not because he wanted them to cooperate but because God wanted to be God in their lives. He wants to be God in our lives too. When we start thinking we have control, dictating every detail of our days, we can exspect God to have something to say about it. "So we are to live lives that are, in a way out of control. Because only when we are out of control, God can be in control." This came from my me devotional in my bible. Wow, very powerful. Thats all I can say.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The past few days have been crazy. Yesterday, Jonathan was home sick, the girls were home today, so I have got nothing done. I was talking to a girl from church about things that were going on at church and school. I then realized, HEY you are doing half of it!!!! I thought what in the world. I have, party at school for Jonathan's class (tomorrow), Lydia Grace has her birthday party Sat., A birthday party at school, Teachers luncheon, and two baby showers, (one that I am giving). All of this in the everyday mommy mix. This would be where I sit down to ask my Lord above, for the strength, LOTS of strength.
I would not have it any other way. I love the fact that I get to spend time with my kids at home and at school. So now I will just breath. Any time things get a little crazy, I just stop and breath. (Glenda, I know you are laughing right now). One of my friends told me " I just make a lot of list", I said I make list, then I lose them. Hee hee. Speaking of lost things, our remote to the TV has been gone almost a week now. This is the things that happens when you have a one year old, trying to get her little hands on everything. We thought she put it in the trash, because that is her new thing right now, but it wasn't there. So now we are just going to have to get another one. Maybe I should tie it to me. Needless to say, I am glad it is time to go to bed, everyone is sleeping, and lunches are already made. Thank you Lord for this wonderful, cool day, today, and the strength. I loved it.
I would not have it any other way. I love the fact that I get to spend time with my kids at home and at school. So now I will just breath. Any time things get a little crazy, I just stop and breath. (Glenda, I know you are laughing right now). One of my friends told me " I just make a lot of list", I said I make list, then I lose them. Hee hee. Speaking of lost things, our remote to the TV has been gone almost a week now. This is the things that happens when you have a one year old, trying to get her little hands on everything. We thought she put it in the trash, because that is her new thing right now, but it wasn't there. So now we are just going to have to get another one. Maybe I should tie it to me. Needless to say, I am glad it is time to go to bed, everyone is sleeping, and lunches are already made. Thank you Lord for this wonderful, cool day, today, and the strength. I loved it.
Monday, February 11, 2008
and He answers...,
Good morning, I am usually not up this early. I was kind of awake (but not wanting to get up) when the Lord gave me a big burst of energy and here I am. I have been the type that when the Lord speaks to me, he almost has to push me over to realize what he is saying. Well I am finding that is not the case anymore. Yesterday he was answering some prayers and it was loud and clear. WOW, he has had a lot to say in the last few days (to me). Something else I have learned to do when I am waiting on a answer is not to worry about the issue. Put it in his hands and wait, because when you are still worring about it, you are not leaving it in his hands. It is almost like you are not putting all your trust in him. Then he lets you wait, until you completly leave it to him. Now I know some things are hard to do that with, but Trust in him.
I have found when I ask for help and TOTALLY put it in his hands, a huge calm come over me and says don't worry abut it any more, just wait. One of the biggest times, we had just found out my youngest was having some health problems. So the first few days I was a wreck. I was praying and praying, then a huge calm came over me and said she will be fine. It was the most amazing thing. So I hope this helps if you are waiting on something, leave it to him. Well now I am off to pack lunches, bookbags etc. Have a blessed day.
I have found when I ask for help and TOTALLY put it in his hands, a huge calm come over me and says don't worry abut it any more, just wait. One of the biggest times, we had just found out my youngest was having some health problems. So the first few days I was a wreck. I was praying and praying, then a huge calm came over me and said she will be fine. It was the most amazing thing. So I hope this helps if you are waiting on something, leave it to him. Well now I am off to pack lunches, bookbags etc. Have a blessed day.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Cleanliness is next to Godliness.....
Well who ever came up with this statment must not have had kids. Because WHEW, I don't feel near as good when I finish cleaning as I do when I get finished reading from the bible. (Or giong to church) With five people in my house, the laundry is CRAZY. Can I get an A-men. I know Amy and Nicki are laughing with me right now. I am not much for taking a lot of time to clean, I would rather be doing something else. Then I went to a GEMS meeting (a moms group at my church) and my pastors wife was speaking. Well needless to say when that women speaks, she will touch your heart, make you cry and laugh. So any who, she was speaking on being a mom, and she said," listen to your children, they will only be little once, pay attention to them, the house work will be there" Whew hew, thats what I am talk'in about. And dont' get me worg my house is clean, it is just messy ( laundry & toys). I have a 8yr old son, 3 and1 yr old girls, now need I say more. The laundry will get done when it gets done! We are very busy, we done, basketball, dance, boyscouts, church, school, a little something every night. An when I am not running, I want to have my quiet time with my Lord. Thank you Lord for my over-looking mom and sisters, they never judge, (the know how busy I am) An God love my momma, because all she ever says is," be thankful for the childen you have, and don't have any more".
Heehee, that always makes me laugh. So I thought I would take a break from the laundry, plus my oldest are with their Aunt right now, so that help alot. Now I am off to get ready for the basketball game. Have a blessed day.
Heehee, that always makes me laugh. So I thought I would take a break from the laundry, plus my oldest are with their Aunt right now, so that help alot. Now I am off to get ready for the basketball game. Have a blessed day.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
One step at a time.....
I am so excited, this is a new thing for me so just bare with me. Today started off, rush , run, jump in the car so we wont be late. With three kids that is the way it always is. Although, it dosn't matter how stressful the morning is, it always seems to be better when my three year old says" I see church, there it is", with excitment in her voice.
Today I had my once a month Mom's group, and boy was it needed. I love it. It is all moms from my church, that get together and eat, pray and eat. Now you know you cannot resist church ladies dishes. We have speakers, play games, do a craft and it really helps to know, other peoples kids do that too. (heehee) We have a lady at our church with four children, who has her third brain toumor. Now this toumor is not a problem, but she has spinal fluid that builds up a lot of pressure, and gives her horrible headachs. She has recently had to use a walker to help her get around. We found out today that she will be getting a tube to drain the fluid all the time. Prais the Lord. He is so good. Please keep praying for her and her family, this has been a long road, with a few more bumps. Well I need to go make sure everyone is STILL in he bed, (my kids like to wonder out) and make sure they have thanked God for this wonderful day.
Today I had my once a month Mom's group, and boy was it needed. I love it. It is all moms from my church, that get together and eat, pray and eat. Now you know you cannot resist church ladies dishes. We have speakers, play games, do a craft and it really helps to know, other peoples kids do that too. (heehee) We have a lady at our church with four children, who has her third brain toumor. Now this toumor is not a problem, but she has spinal fluid that builds up a lot of pressure, and gives her horrible headachs. She has recently had to use a walker to help her get around. We found out today that she will be getting a tube to drain the fluid all the time. Prais the Lord. He is so good. Please keep praying for her and her family, this has been a long road, with a few more bumps. Well I need to go make sure everyone is STILL in he bed, (my kids like to wonder out) and make sure they have thanked God for this wonderful day.
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